Artikel i Norska tidningen Fremover
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Artikel i “Vårt Luleå”
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Special Issue number of “Nonlinear studies” dedicted to Lars-Erik
To honor Lars- Erik on the occasion of his 75th anniversary the Journal “Nonlinear Studies” ( dedicted a number (Vol 26, No, 4, 2019) with only articles dedicted to the 75th anniversary of Lars-Erik. More than 50 authors from 22 different countries contributed. Especially, it was written a forword Forword.Issue.LEP. 2019.pdf , where e.g. an Editor-in-Chief for the Journal ,Fieldsmedalist Pierre-Louis Lions , is co-author. Moreover the next article was written with focus on Lars-Erik himself, both Pers(s)onally and Professionally, by his former students, Professors Dag Lukkassen and Annette Meidell.Forword.Issue.LEP. 2019.pdf
SVT artikel om Lars-Erik (in Swedish)
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Fredagsintervju (in Swedish)
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Spännande matematik (in Swedish)
Professorn redo för sitt 44:de Vasalopp (in Swedish)
Otroliga sviten. Aftonbladet (in Swedish)
Professorn fyller 70 (in Swedish)
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Snart kan professorn räkna in Vasalopp nr 50 (in Swedish)
Matematikstaden invigd (in Swedish)
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NSD Lars-Erik 65år (in Swedish)
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